achieving excellence since 1984
It is a fact that we will never know your business or industry as well as you do. However, when choosing a professional to assist in a troubled loan situation, specific industry knowledge or experience is not as important as the firm’s experience in crisis situations.
Specific knowledge of out-of-court workouts, bankruptcy proceedings and creditor relations are the skill sets we bring to the table.
Our practice concentrates solely on distressed organizations, regardless of industry. Working with troubled companies is the only thing we do. This allows us to provide focused expertise that other multi-practice or industry-specific firms cannot match.
Our track record helps level the playing field and immediately returns a level of credibility and fosters a working relationship between borrower and lender. We understand the term “time is of the essence” and our analysis is focused, with clearly defined objectives allowing a quick resolution.
Finally we know when to leave! Our job is to perform to the best of our ability and in the most expeditious manner.
Whether acting as an advisor to senior management, or taking a more active role as Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) or interim executive (CEO, COO or CFO), we move quickly to resolve a crisis and stabilize the company.
After forming the turnaround team, we immediately determine the cause of the problem, implement procedures to regain control of cash and stabilize operations. We are in constant communication with creditors, employees and all stakeholders as the company begins to generate positive cash flow.
Once the company has stabilized, we continue to monitor operations to ensure continued viability through operational and financial reviews and restructuring.
An exhaustive review of your operations and balance sheet assist us in determining the best type of new financing facility, be it asset-based, debtor-in-possession, cash flow, mezzanine or direct equity infusion. We then leverage the relationships we have developed with commercial lenders and equity investors to source, structure and negotiate a capital structure appropriate for your organization.
A reference by a lender is usually an indication of previous experience with the group and positive results.
In a troubled situation the ability to quickly regain credibility with your creditors is one of the keys to success. Working with an experienced, known firm will often facilitate a positive outcome. Regardless of who recommends us for an assignment — your attorney, CPA, banker or other professional — we work for you.
We first look for compatibility when assigning a consultant. You must feel comfortable with us.
We next review experience and common assignments. Most assignments will have a lead consultant and a backup. In the rare instance when a lead consultant must leave an assignment, the backup is fully informed of all case details and can quickly step in without lengthy training.
Geography also plays a part; having multiple offices allows us to deploy local resources whenever possible to reduce travel expenses.
When you hire us, you get us.
Any lead consultant assigned to your company is an employee of the firm and we will let you know up front who is on the assignment. We do not assign responsibility for client success to part-time consultants or independent contractors.
In the event an independent contractor is needed for a specific purpose, i.e., engineering, quality control or other specific needs, there will be full disclosure and that consultant will always be in a secondary role.
In most cases we charge an hourly rate. We are conscious of geographic differences and price our services accordingly — allowing for a value-priced proposition regardless of where our client is located.
Some clients have asked us to provide a project or phased pricing arrangement, and we are happy to do so. In the case of a refinancing, we ask for a small retainer to cover the cost of bringing the deal to market, but we are paid a fee only upon a successful financing.
We would be pleased to discuss an appropriate pricing schedule to fit your unique needs.
We encourage you to talk to business owners or professionals who have worked with us.
Contact information is available upon request.

“I could never have pulled this off without you guys. Please make sure you pass my complements and gratitude to your team. I know that you all most likely sacrificed time with your families this weekend to complete your analysis for us and it is greatly appreciated.”